Physical Therapy for Parkinson’s Disease and Other Movement Disorders
LSVT BIG® focuses on BIG Exercise
A LSVT BIG® Certified clinician teaches individuals with Parkinson’s Disease and other neurological conditions to use BIGGER movements in their daily lives to be able to keep moving and maintain an active lifestyle
LSVT BIG® Treatment:
16 individualized treatment sessions over 4 weeks with a certified LSVT BIG® clinician
- Trains a single target of amplitude (BIGGER movements)
- Drives intense high effort repetitive practice
- Teaches the right amount of effort required to produce normal movements
- Translates bigger movements into real life, everyday activities
- Empowers people with Parkinson’s Disease to see their potential to improve!
- Helps you establish life-long habit of big movement
- Learn the tools and progressions to assist with managing functional improvements to improve quality of life
LSVT BIG® is an intensive research based physical treatment protocol designed for people living with Parkinson’s disease but may also benefit other associated movement based disorders. It is based on amplitude training and high effort exercise to assist with sensory re-calibration. Sensory Re-calibration is the process of teaching individuals to accept what feels “too big” as actual normal movement.
Research suggests early exercise based intervention is best. Don’t wait until you experience falls, loss of functional mobility, and balance problems. This program teaches individuals with Parkinson’s disease how to avoid inactivity and improve their quality of life.
Our LSVT Big Providers: