Functional Dry Needling
Functional Dry Needling (FDN) is a skilled therapeutic technique in which a trained physical therapist inserts small, sterile filament needles into the skin and muscle at a myofascial trigger point. This generates a twitch response, helping release muscle tension and pain.
What is a trigger point, and how did I develop them?
- An active trigger point is a hyperirritable spot that is associated with a hypersensitive palpable nodule, or “knot”. This area becomes painful at the site and can also “radiate” in predictable patterns. They can develop due to injury, musculoskeletal dysfunction and overuse. Active trigger points impair a person’s ability to lengthen, strengthen or contract the muscle. As a result, the muscle shortens and compresses the structure around it, causing pain.
How does dry needling work?
- Although the exact mechanisms of dry needling are not known, the technique has demonstrated both mechanical and
biochemical effects. Research has shown that inserting a solid needle into trigger points can cause favorable biochemical change that can assist in reducing chronic pain issues. Trigger points are known to have abnormal electrical activity and are surrounded by numerous chemicals known to cause inflammation. When a dry needle is inserted into a trigger point and generates a local twitch response, over time, it can return the electrical and chemical environment within the muscle to its normal, relaxed state. Deactivated trigger points draw white blood cells and plasma cells into the area and create a healing response. Clinically, we see improved muscle length, strength, flexibility and a corresponding decrease in pain with our patients following dry needling treatment.
How can dry needling help me?
- Dry needling can be used to treat a variety of musculoskeletal issues, including: neck, back and shoulder pain; arm pain; tension type headaches; buttock and leg pain (sciatica, hamstring strains, calf tightness/spasms).
All of our providers at Live in Motion are trained in dry needling.