Exercise-Pain Cycle

The Exercise-Pain Cycle: Where to turn when pain hinders exercise and weight loss. “If I could just exercise without pain, I could actually lose weight and feel better about myself.” “If I could just get my weight down, exercise wouldn’t be so painful.” Does this sound like you? If so, Read more…

What’s up with that tape?

Kinesiology Tape Many of you have probably seen different athletes, whether on TV or at your local sporting events, cover their body with colorful tape in all sorts of crazy designs. What’s the point of it? Does it even do anything or is it just for show? Below is the truth behind Read more…

Got Jaw Pain? We can help!

Physical Therapy and Jaw Pain Did you know physical therapists are trained to evaluate and treat jaw pain? Typically, jaw pain is associated with the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) and the surrounding muscles used to chew food. This is called temporomandibular dysfunction, or TMD. Other signs and symptoms can include: headaches, Read more…